Monday 27 April 2015

The Clairlea Hive!

As an eco school initiative, we are raising awareness about the colony collapse disorder of honey bees. They are not only dying, they are disappearing.

Bees are amazzzing!
They have much to teach us, they fascinate us, they are beautiful, and their importance to humans is beyond words. Honey bees, especially, are associated with the production of 1/3 of the worlds' food for humans (through pollination, but also honey), healing, and perhaps more than any other creature- if not the only creature, held up as setting a selfless example to humans on happy and successful communities. If we are able to work collaboratively, then we can share some of the success of the honey bee. Only that the result of honey tastes much sweeter.

So, we created our own Clairlea hives out of egg cartons, paper masher, newspaper, cardboard, and balloons. It was a team effort between the Eco Art club and students in Room 111.

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